Dead End

30 Aug

I don’t know how you hit a dead end on a highway, but somehow, I have achieved this extraordinary feat.

It’s certainly not advisable to take a u-turn. It would be tormenting to go through the same stages again, and that too in the reverse order. And this dead end is not too exciting a place to be camping at either.

I have come to realize that the most important aspect of life is LIFE itself. When things keep happening. When a stranger shows affection. When a friend betrays. When a parent berates. When your car breaks down in heavy traffic. When you meet an old friend. When someone you just met for the first time makes you feel like you’ve known them for years. When you immediately fall in love with the way someone laughs. When people die. When a newborn infant doesn’t let go of your finger.

So like I said, I have hit a dead end. I feel deprived of everything that life has to offer.

p.s. Also, I’m becoming increasingly desperate. (p.s. Not what you’re thinking.)

3 Responses to “Dead End”

  1. emphadiate August 30, 2014 at 12:27 PM #

    We all hit stops, but know that its a hurdle, a wall you have to push through; not a dead end. I hope you go through with ease. Hang in there.

  2. emphadiate August 30, 2014 at 12:28 PM #

    We all hit stops, but know that its a hurdle, a wall you have to push through; not a dead end. I hope you go through with ease. Hang in there!

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